
Outdoor Valentines Day Gifts

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Nothing quite says “I think you’re swell” than outdoor gear for Valentines Day. If you’re dating or married to an outdoor lover, than the gift of gear can be the perfect choice for Valentines Day. It says things like: “I’m looking forward to spending time with you outdoors this spring,” and as long as you pick the right item, it can be a practical, useful alternative to the tired go-to box of chocolates. Here are several his and hers Valentines Day gift ideas.

Hers – Acorn Boot Slippers

Acorn is known for their extensive collection of men’s and women’s slippers and socks, and everything about this brand screams outdoor, cabin living and winter warmth. A great gift idea for the woman in your life comes in the unique Acorn Boot Slippers. These slippers are half sock and half slipper, and there isn’t anything else like them out there, so you’ll surely get a little wow factor when they open the box. Acorn starts with a non-slip indoor/outdoor sole and suede toe and heel guards to create a slipper you can wear comfortably all around the house. From there, the foot is supported by a cozy grey ragg wool, soft berber, and knit blend. The result is a slipper that doesn’t slip off but rather stays on the feet as she relaxes around the house. If you like the style, boot slippers are available in men’s sizes as well.

Acorn Women’s Red Cable Slouch Slipper Boots ($64.95).

His – Kai Kitchen Knives

Are freeze-dried camp meals not enough for your camping trip meals? Does the man in your life like to make camp meals that are a cut above the usual hot dogs or pot of chili? Then it may be time to upgrade his culinary tools around camp, and Kai knives make a great fit for camping knives. Chances are the camp kit knives are dull and halfway to the garbage can anyway, and an upgrade of new, quality knives is overdue. Kai knives are crafted with traditional Japanese knife smithing techniques in mind, and we wouldn’t be surprised if he felt a little like a samurai while chopping vegetables for a fresh camp meal. We’d like to highlight two different options for him. The first is a personal steak knife based on the classic Japanese folding knife design. This razor sharp knife comes with a leather sheath when it’s not in use, and it makes eating steak around the campfire easy.

Kai Personal Steak Knife ($29.95).

For something better suited for the camp kitchen, try the Kai Luna Three Piece set. This set consists of an 8in. chef’s knife, a 6in. multi-utility knife (with serrated edge) and a 3.5in. paring knife. These three knives should cover most if not all of the cutting tasks that a camp meal demands, and they come with individual sheaths so you can store them safely in your kit.

Kai Luna 3 Piece Knife Set ($44.95).

Hers – Ameribag Healthy Back Bag

After enduring back surgery, Ameribag founder Margery Gaffin found herself rethinking the entire backpack design, and the Healthy Back Bag concept was born. Gaffin teamed up with her husband, an experienced leather craftsman as well as a doctor and a chiropractor to create a unique teardrop shaped, one-shoulder bag that would place unnecessary strain on the neck, shoulders and back. Today the Healthy Back Bag comes in several sizes and colors, and it will make the perfect surprise Valentines Day gift for her. Even if she doesn’t suffer from any back or neck problems, the prospect of using a pack that doesn’t place excess strain on the body is appealing. The Healthy Back Bag is the perfect option for a day around town or a brisk day hike. Make sure to select it in the color that best suits her style.

Ameribag XS Distressed Nylon Crimson Healthy Back Bag ($54).

Both – Pahaque Double Hammock

With Valentines Day around the corner, chances are you and your partner are already dreaming of warm, lazy days around the campsite or in the backyard. Ensure those lazy days are comfortable and cozy with a Pahaque Double Hammock ready for home or the outdoors. This hammock is easy to set up with a heavy-duty strap support system, and its made of durable nylon so it’ll last season after season. The best feature is in the fiberglass spreader bars that keep the hammock from rolling up tight. This means there will be plenty of room to stretch out together without the feeling that you’re being wrapped tight together in a nylon burrito. It comes with a stuff sack so you can carry it along on any camping or backpack trip.

Pahaque Double Hammock ($59).

Both – Wise Foods Vehicle Emergency Auto Kit

We always want the one we love to be safe and prepared for the worst. This sort of thinking is especially common in outdoor types as they need to always have a plan B in place before they head off into the wilderness. Unfortunately, far too many of us aren’t ready for emergencies in our vehicle, and whether you drive icy mountain roads or just crowded city highways, you need a basic emergency kit in your vehicle. Enter the Wise Foods Vehicle Emergency Auto Kit. This all-in-one kit has jumper cables, a tow rope, crank rechargeable flashlight, a survival whistle, first aid kit, duct tape, Mylar emergency blanket, and freeze dried food and water supplies. What’s more romantic than “I want you to be safe out on the roads” anyway? You can always pair it with flowers or a date so you give something practical and something romantic this Valentines Day.

The Wise Foods Auto Emergency Kit ($53.99).

Prices and availability on Gritroutdoors subject to change.

Thumb image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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